Category Archives: News

‘Your Kilkenny’ Magazine : Latest on Bord Pleanála decision

10th March 2015

The latest edition of ‘Your Kilkenny’ magazine has been published. This is the third in a series of magazines focussing on the pressing issues of Kilkenny today. This latest edition concentrates on the recent An Bord Pleanála decision re the Central Access Scheme and has a thought provoking editorial note.

The magazine can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Your Kilkenny Magazine. [Vol. 2 Iss. 1- publ. 10-03-15]


Save Kilkenny’s response to Simon Walton on An Bord Pleanála’s decision

6th March 2015 :

Simon Walton,  Acting Director of Services,  said on KCLR radio on the 6th March:

“We are satisfied fully that those in-river methodologies… that we are using…. are the most appropriate means….that is why we doing it that way… of minimising the risk of adverse impact on the River Nore.”

An Bord Pleanala Decision  (signed 27th February 2015) :

“Having considered the request from Kilkenny County Council and the report of the Inspector… the Board has decided not to make the requested amendment.”

Save Kilkenny Press Statement :

An Bord Pleanála has definitively rejected Kilkenny County Council’s application for retrospective planning permission for the in-river works done last summer. So whether or not Kilkenny County Council believe that their methodology “are the most appropriate means” is entirely irrelevant. The issue here is simple – Kilkenny County Council failed to adhere to the conditions imposed by An Bord Pleanála.

Misdirection and waffle do not change the facts. Last summer’s works and the current proposed works for 2015, have not been appropriately assessed.

Save Kilkenny vindicated by An Bord Pleanála’s decision to refuse Kilkenny Co.Co.’s request to amend planning

February 27th 2015 :

At the end of December ’14, just before Christmas, Kilkenny Co. Co. made a request to An Bord Pleanála in order to seek an amendment to the Bord’s original planning decision. The purpose of this request was to seek approval for the in-stream methods used to build the CAS in Summer 2014. The Bord refused to make any amendments stating “the mitigation measures of the approved EIS  are expressly stated”.  In other words the detail has been clearly outlined before.  Link Here

The Inspector went on to clarify this detail in the revised Environmental Impact Statement of 2011. It clearly states that “construction of temporary access causeways in the river will not be allowed”. The campaigners on the Bridge have long protested against this. Last Summer saw truckload after truckload of stone being dumped in the River Nore despite the best efforts of the campaigners to prevent this. This action was wrong and it was indeed an historic day to be finally vindicated by An Bord (the highest planning authority in the land).

The full text of the Inspector’s Report is well worth reading.

Inspector’s Report Published 27th February 2015

Bord’s Direction issued is shown below.



A Black Day for Kilkenny – The dismantling of the Vicar St. Houses begins

February 12th 2015 :

The dismantling/demolition of the Vicar Street houses began today. Only last May 2014  An Taisce stated that there was an overwhelming case to declare them as a National Monument. “Structural remains dating to this period are rare in Ireland and unquestionably worthy of being declared National Monuments and being preserved where they stand”, said Mark Clinton of An Taisce; “we have so few late 1500 / early 1600s structures the discovery at Vicar St is of national importance”.


Alas Minister Heather Humphreys thought otherwise.  Shame on her and the decisions reached by Kilkenny County Council.

This picture below, taken on 4th March,  shows this beautiful archway, the last remaining piece of the second house as the wanton demolition continues…….


Meanwhile April seems to be the likely time for the resumption of the high court case.